Running SWC-DB in a Pseudomode

Edit the necessary configuration in etc/swcdb/*.cfg as by instructions

cd /opt/swcdb;          # SWCDB_INSTALL_PATH
mkdir -p var/log/swcdb; # re-config "swc.logging.path" for other path


  • start with sbin/swcdb_cluster

    sbin/swcdb_cluster can start only on localhost as if it is a distributed-cluster, if swcdb_cluster is set as by instructions.
sbin/swcdb_cluster start;
  • start each server independently

cd bin; # continue to work from 'bin' folder
  1. start swcdbFsBroker

./swcdbFsBroker --daemon;
  1. start swcdbManager

./swcdbManager --debug --host=localhost --daemon;
  1. start swcdbRanger

./swcdbRanger --daemon;
  1. start swcdbBroker

./swcdbBroker --host=localhost --daemon;
  1. start swcdbThriftBroker

./swcdbThriftBroker --host=localhost --daemon;
  • Additional Information

    • Help information available with ./swcdbProgramName --help;
    • without --daemon argument the Program will output to stdout/screen instead of logging to file.


  • stop with sbin/swcdb_cluster

sbin/swcdb_cluster stop;
  • stop with SIGINT

    By the runtime order dependency for each PID of a server/program/swcdbProgramName:
  • swcdbThriftBroker
  • swcdbBroker
  • swcdbRanger
  • swcdbManager
  • swcdbFsBroker

bash ps aux | grep swcdbProgramName; kill PID;

kill -9 PID; will result in ungraceful shutdown (not committed data and current transactions will be lost)