Installing Thrift Clients

SWC-DB Thrift Client as part of a package installations:

Install the SWC-DB Python Package

pip install swcdb;

or for other python versions/implementations

YOUR_PY_EXEC -m pip install swcdb;
  • The SWC-DB Release Binaries inlcude the swcdb Python package:
SWCDB_VERSION_PYTHON=${SWCDB_VERSION}; # Python package can have another sub-version ".#"
YOUR_PY_EXEC -m pip install wheel ${SWCDB_INSTALL_PATH}/lib/py/swcdb-${SWCDB_VERSION_PYTHON}.tar.gz;

Documentations for using the SWC-DB Python package are available at Using Python Thrift Client

Install the SWC-DB Ruby Package

gem install swcdb;

Documentations for using the SWC-DB Ruby package are available at Using Ruby Thrift Client