The SWC-DB Configuration Properties

Any configuration property, if it is shown for ./program with --help or --help-config, can be a Command Line argument by using it with a prefix -- while Command Line argument is not a cfg-file property .

Configuration Properties by Program & Library: * The SWC-DB Configurations Library libswcdb_core_config * The SWC-DB Communications Library libswcdb_core_comm * The SWC-DB Manager Program swcdbManager * The SWC-DB Ranger Program swcdbRanger * The SWC-DB Filesystem Broker Program swcdbFsBroker * The SWC-DB Broker Program swcdbBroker * The SWC-DB Thrift Broker Program swcdbThriftBroker * The SWC-DB Filesystem Library libswcdb_fs * The SWC-DB Client Library libswcdb * The SWC-DB Cluster Managing Script-Program swcdb_cluster

The Initial libswcdb_core_config - Configuration Properties

These properties are the initial settings that applied to any Program using the class SWC::Config::Settings.

Only Command Line argument properties

  • --help / -h

    TYPE_BOOL Show the help contents for executing the Program.

  • --help-config

    TYPE_BOOL Show the help contents with the Program's configuration properties.

  • --version / -v

    TYPE_BOOL Show version of the Program.

  • --debug

    TYPE_BOOL a Shortcut to --swc.logging.level=debug . \ default False

  • --quiet

    TYPE_BOOL Minimal output, logging remains by swc.logging.level . \ default False

  • --daemon

    TYPE_BOOL Start process in background mode, if Program supports it . \ default False

File Configuration Properties

  • swc.cfg.path

    TYPE_STRING The path to location of configuration files. \ default swc.cfg.path=SWC_INSTALL_PREIFX/etc/swcdb/

  • swc.cfg

    TYPE_STRING The main configuration file, everything begins with this file . \ default swc.cfg=swc.cfg

  • swc.cfg.dyn

    TYPE_STRINGS The main dynamic configuration file. \ default swc.cfg.dyn=

  • swc.logging.path

    TYPE_STRINGS The path of log directories and files, YYYY/MM/DD sub-folders are create on this path. \ default swc.logging.path=SWC_INSTALL_PREIFX/var/log/swcdb/

The configuration properties applicable for dynamic reloading

  • swc.logging.level

    TYPE_ENUM_G The Logging Level: debug|info|notice|warn|error|crit|alert|fatal. \ default swc.logging.level=INFO

The Initial Communications libswcdb_core_comm - Configuration Properties

These properties are the initial communication settings that applied to any Program using the Settings::init_comm_options.

Only Command Line argument properties

  • --addr

    TYPE_STRINGS The address(IP-port) to listen on else resolved by hostname with swc.ServiceName.port. \ Multiple argument is allowed ./program --addr=ADDR-1 --addr=ADDR-2 \ default --addr=

  • --host

    TYPE_STRING The host:port to resolve, listens on resolved IPv4 + IPv6, swc.ServiceName.port applied if port not specified. \ default --host=

File Configuration Properties


    TYPE_STRINGS The Network Priority Access, By available endpoints of a server, try to establish connection in this priority of a network.

    recommended priority order: \ = \ = ::1/128 \ = \ = 1::/64 \ = \ = \ = fc00::/7


  • swc.comm.ssl

    TYPE_BOOL whether to use SSL in communications layer. \ default swc.comm.ssl=false


    TYPE_STRINGS The Networks that do not require SSL. To the extend, any network in the local-loop by default is considered a secure network, in a case of Server-IP is equal Client-IP the connection is not upgraded to a secure connection.

    recommended: \ = \ = ::1/128


  • swc.comm.ssl.ciphers

    TYPE_STRING The Ciphers to use, in format of openSSL for one string (delimitted with a colon :). \ default swc.comm.ssl.ciphers=

  • swc.comm.ssl.subject_name

    TYPE_STRING The Certificate or Cluster's domain-name, if set SRV-CRT is verified. \ default swc.comm.ssl.subject_name=

  • swc.comm.ssl.crt

    TYPE_STRING The Cluster Certificate file. Filename without slash/dot applied on swc.cfg.path . \ default swc.comm.ssl.crt=cluster.crt

  • swc.comm.ssl.key

    TYPE_STRING The Server Private-Key file. Filename without slash/dot applied on swc.cfg.path . \ default swc.comm.ssl.key=cluster.key


    TYPE_STRING The CA, used if set. Filename without slash/dot applied on swc.cfg.path . \ default